SCMS 2.0

Status: In Progress

Lead Researcher(s)

David LeBlanc
Associate Research Scientist, Engineering Systems, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

André Weimerskirch
Associate Research Scientist, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Debra Bezzina
Project Senior Manager

Project Team

Mary Lynn Buonarosa
Project Intermediate Manager

David LeBlanc
Associate Research Scientist, Engineering Systems, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Project Abstract

The Ann Arbor Connected Environment is a certified environment using a commercial Security Credential Management System (SCMS). In order to ensure the highest levels of security among communicating connected vehicles, the SCMS must also identify and remove any misbehaving devices. This project investigates the real-world performance of two misbehavior algorithms by implementing existing algorithms on connected vehicle onboard units, and then testing performance in Mcity and on the roadways in or near Ann Arbor. The algorithms will be modified if necessary to provide acceptable performance in natural settings that include operations near tall buildings, under tree canopies, and in normal traffic.

Project Outcome

(1) Recommended best practices for misbehavior detection. (2) A plan for aligning with a national SCMS deployment in the connected environment that includes global misbehavior detection, certificate revocation list distribution, improved misbehavior detection (based on our test results), and an update of the current deployment fleet.

BUDGET YEAR: 2019-01-01