Studying Interactions Between Drivers and Vulnerable Road Users at Intersections Using Existing Naturalistic Driving Data

Status: Complete

Lead Researcher(s)

Anuj Pradhan
Former Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute

Shan Bao
Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Associate Research Scientist, Human Factors, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Intermittent Lecturer in Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Project Team

Project Abstract

The project utilized an existing, large‐scale naturalistic driving dataset – Safety Pilot Model Deployment – to study the interaction between drivers and bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections. Data reduction was conducted to select the events and extract features to be analyzed.

Project Outcome

(1) A comprehensive and clean dataset for driver‐bicyclist events; (2) quantitative results on driver‐bicyclist interactions with a wide range of measures; and
(3) a final report that includes detailed description of study methodology, data analysis, and results.

BUDGET YEAR: 2017-01-01